Important news! Since January we have been merged with our parent company Textkernel


Display data from temps, hirers, placements or mediators automatically in onboarding

It is now possible in the onboarding or in the process architect, to retrieve data from other elements from e-UUR. For example, information about mediators, temps, hirers or placements. This means that you do not have to fill in data twice, which creates more efficiency. Within e-UUR we call this: Object related information.

Fewer onboarding types needed

Because you can automatically link this data, you can further automate processes. In addition, you need fewer different onboarding types because you can add more variety within one onboarding type. Read more about onboarding types here.

What do you use this for?

Suppose you want to enroll an employee in AFAS, but need an employer number to do so. This employer number is available from the intermediary. With the right settings, they can ensure that the employer number is automatically synchronized to e-UUR. 

This way, you have instant access to the necessary data and spend less time configuring new onboarding types, for example. 

This functionality is available by default in the Onboarding and Process Architect

Check out the demo!

Wondering how this works? Click through the demo below or follow the instructions in the knowledge base.

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Knowledge base

The knowledge base contains articles to support you in using e-UUR. 


Get the most out of e-UUR and sign up for a workshop. 

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We continue as:

Since January, we have merged with our parent company Textkernel. Our website will transition to Textkernel website at the end of April 2024. Until this time you can still find relevant information about our mid-office platform.